Pokémon X e Y - discussione pre-uscita

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Mister O.




Non credo che nessuno riceve il gioco molto prima del 12 ottobre. Basta avere parenti o amici che lavorano dove lo vendono.

Sennò non si spiegano molte immagini che hanno postato gli altri e non sono della game freak


io lavoro da amazon, però non ci son ancora notizie su quando arriverà, probabilmente pochi giorni prima, se va come per gta5 fino al giorno di uscita nessuno ci mette le mani sopra, purtroppo son seri a differenza del gamestop.
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Io ho ordinato la guida strategica da amazon uk, spero me la spediscano con qualche giorno di anticipo così che non mi arrivi con troppo ritardo rispetto al gioco.

Al gamestop comunque arriverà il 9-10 ottobre, non prima.


back from hell
Braixen’s evolution becomes a darker red in color. Its tail becomes a fist, and the stick inside becomes a pair of nunchucks. The crease in between its eyes opens up, revealing a boxing glove on a spring. It makes a cartoony “boyoyooonnng!” sound when it attacks.

Frogadier’s evolution is just dark blue frog feet sticking out of a dripping, bubbly cloud afro. It has a new ability that raises its Speed, but causes all of its attacks’ accuracy to be halved. When standing in battle, it’s frantically running around in circles because it can’t see anything.

Mega Blaziken gets a Mega Evolution itself. Mega Mega Blaziken retains Speed Boost as its ability, and is able to mega evolve again. Mega Mega Mega Blaziken has a new ability called Gotta Go Fast, where every move it uses goes first, even if the opponent uses moves like Protect and Detect.

A second Eeveelution is present in the game. Its name is Hotteon, and is a Fire-type, making the first Eeveelution to repeat a type. The only move it can learn is Flare Blitz.

The legendary trio consists of a Grass/Psychic Pokémon called a Marjanium, a Rock/Psychic Pokémon named Mollium, and a Poison/Psychic Pokémon named Lucium. They are referred to as the happiness trio. Any trainer that gets a hold of them is said to live in eternal bliss.

All pieces of clothing are optional. If you choose to customize your character with no clothes, censor bars will be covering your trainer’s junk to maintain the game’s E rating.

To evolve Inkay into Malimar, you have to spread cheese whiz on your game cartridge, then level it up past 36.

To evolve Spewpa into Vivillon, you have to go to Nintendo’s HQ in person and StreetPass Reggie, then level it up.

To evolve Litleo into Pyroar, you have to pour orange juice on your 3DS as it levels up past 40.

To evolve Eevee into Sylveon, you’ll need an old lady, a bag of Doritos, a subscription to Time Magazine, a moose, and a printed copy of the Bee Movie script. First, make sure the moose is calm and in the room with you. Once the moose is ready, dump the bag of Doritos on the old lady’s head. If you do it well enough, she’ll jump on your shoulders and start beating you with her cane. At this point, go outside with the old lady still on your shoulders at the same time the mailman comes to deliver your Time Magazine. When the mailman sees what’s going on, he’ll get scared and call the police (note: this only works with mailmen delivering Time Magazine). Once the police are on the way, get in your car (or any car) and start speeding away. Purposely get pulled over by the cops, and when they ask you for your license and registration, give them the Bee Movie script. If done correctly, the cop who pulled you over will put on a horse mask and go beserk. He’ll chase you on foot really fast, so speed back to the room with the moose. Make sure you don’t get caught by the cop with the horse head or you’ll have to start over. Lure the cop into the room with the moose, and start running around in circles. At the site of the old lady on your shoulders bashing you in the head with her cane, and the police officer with the horse mask chasing you in circles, the moose will start laughing uncontrollably. Once its laugh starts to sound like an old man wheezing, pull out your 3DS, hold it at a 47 degree angle, and snap picture of the laughing moose. Send the picture of the moose all your friends on Swapnote, then level up Eevee to evolve it into Sylveon.

The reward for completing your National Dex is Professor Sycamore preforming a striptease.
Potrei tradurlo ma non c'ho voglia

la cosa più bella è "Per far evolvere Spewpa in Vivillion, è necessario andare alla sede centrale della nintendo e trovare Reggie su street pass"

Mister O.

Comunque il secondo leaker ha appena detto di aver fatto finta di essere quello di Pokèbeach ed essersi inventato tutto.

Comunque le custodie sono vere, sono quelle delle scatole vuote che si trovano al Gamestop.

Questo qui per intenderci: http://pokemonxyreview.weebly.com/
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back from hell
Non è che la fase 2 di fennek sia brutta, ma quell'art prende la strada del kitsune snello e lievemente effemminato

Io voglio una strega vera e propria!


Non è che la fase 2 di fennek sia brutta, ma quell'art prende la strada del kitsune snello e lievemente effemminato

Io voglio una strega vera e propria!
A me sarebbe andato meglio come nell'immagine che invece simile ad una strega.

Almeno nell'immagine assomiglia più ad uno stregone.

Non mi piacciono i pokémon effemminati.
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Mister O.

Hanno trovato dei nuovi pokèmon in uno dei trailer, non che si veda benissimo.


Corocoro dice che nel prossimo numero, che comunque esce dopo i giochi, sarà presente "L'ultima informazione segreta sulla Megaevoluzione".


Ma non si sa l'ora dell'annuncio? Tutta la mattina a scuola ad aspettarlo per niente :D
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